Friday, February 20, 2009


I used to live in Kentucky where the winters were bleak and frequently icy. Nothing bloomed during the coldest weeks. Upon moving to Florida, I found there were three Camellias planted by the house. After seeing them bloom, I added several more.
I have two "tribes" of Camellias. The two Sasanqua Camellias I have start blooming in late October and bloom into December. The Japonica Camellias start blooming about the time the Sasanquas are finishing. The Japonica Camellias bloom into early spring.
This year, the Japonica Camellias were disrupted by some brutal [by Florida standards] cold snaps, but have since started blooming again. Tonight we freeze again darnit. The blooms shown above are all Japonica Camellias.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thinking Spring

Also in early spring comes "Cracker Days" at Rainbow Springs State Park. This year, it is February 21- 22. They try to time it the weekend closest to peak bloom for the Azaleas and Camellias. After the severe freezes, nothing is currently in bloom but there is still time for things to bloom out some.

There are a variety of events at "Cracker Days" including a native plant sale, historical speeches and displays.

I hope that a large font may be easier to read. It looks like that cold wave is finally behind us, but I am not sure winter is done with us yet. But, the native Chickasaw Plums are starting to bloom. I am including a photo of some of the flowers of this species taken Sunday, February 8.